cabinet door protectors

Cabinet Door Protectors

Guard your kitchen with cabinet door protectors from everyday wear, discoloration, chipping, peeling and water drips.

Cabinet Door Protector Products

What is Cabinet Hero?

Cabinet Hero is a "first of its kind" slip on cabinet door protector that guards cabinet doors and drawer fronts against damage while being practically invisible

I’m so happy I found the Cabinet Hero protectors. Now I can protect my investment and my sink cabinet will stay looking nice for many years.

Tracy D.

How to protect your Trash Pull out Door paint from chipping with CABINET HERO

Informational Video

cabinet door protectors

Why Choose Cabinet Hero?

kitchen protection

Thoughtfully Designed Kitchen Protection

Our team at Cabinet Hero conducts extensive research & development to ensure we create the most practical design in our kitchen cabinet protector products. Using 3D printing, we create various prototypes to ensure our products fit securely to cabinets without compromising any appearance, function, and utilization of cabinets.

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